Law reform

Between 150,000 and 400,000 people live in polygamous households in France, in which a man is married to more than one woman. The French state is trying to change the situation -- with mixed results.
The irony is not lost either amongst women's groups in Baghdad or activists in the United States.
An unofficial English translation of the 2004 Moroccan Family Law (Moudawana).
A working draft of Iraq's new constitution would cede a strong role to Islamic law and could sharply curb women's rights, particularly in personal matters like divorce and family inheritance.
A bill critics say will seek Taleban-style moral policing is presented in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province.
The Union Cabinet has approved the introduction of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Bill, 2005 in Parliament.
Concern about Sharia law being the main source for legislation in the new Iraq Constitution.
UAE women will soon be given the right to end their marriage after petitioning the Sharia Court, paying compensation or returning the dowry to husbands.
Iraqi women want their rights clearly defined in their country’s new constitution, according to recommendations released today from a historic conference sponsored by Women for Women International.
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