Law reform

There are various models of Constitutions in the world. This write-up is not looking at the technicalities of different models or offering a comparative analysis of those. It is an attempt to facilitate the reading of a Constitution, in search of Fundamental Rights, no matter what particular system of democratic governance, presidential or parliamentary, it has adopted.
So now we know what "noble cause" Cindy Sheehan's son died for in Iraq: Sharia.
Iraq's draft constitution was finalized on Sunday and will be sent to voters for a nationwide referendum to be held in six weeks.
This version is translated from the Arabic by the Associated Press.
For some, multiple marriage offers a simple solution to the gender imbalance caused by conflict. But others say introducing the practice is the last thing Chechens need.
Le réseau Femmes Sous Lois Musulmanes a appris que le parlement irakien a décidé de s’accorder un délai supplémentaire d'une semaine, jusqu'au 22 août afin de finaliser le projet de Constitution irakienne puisque les représentants des parties n’ont pas réussi à parvenir à un accord.
Pour les femmes, l'introduction de la charia dans la Constitution serait une catastrophe.
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