Law reform

Quite apart from international efforts to "rescue" women in the Middle East, female activists in Arab countries have been toiling for decades for reforms that achieve concrete gains for women.

An action-oriented publication, this booklet examines some of the central themes which are integral to the status of women in Muslim societies: the multiple sources and forms of law; family, patriarchy, and laws; women and the culture of violence; nationalism, identity, and women; political and social dynamics of power. It also details a number of strategies, both successful and less successful, which have been used by women in Muslim societies to meet the challenges they face.

Mohamed al-Zulfa was a little-known member of the majlis al-shura (consultative council). A few months ago he became a celebrity when he turned a discussion about a new traffic law into a national debate about the right of women to drive cars.
"Une seule femme, cela ne suffit pas", telle est la devise de Hayam Dorbek, une journaliste égyptienne mère de deux enfants, qui va tête nue, habillée à l'occidentale.
Malaysia is moving to protect the financial rights of first wives whose husbands take another spouse, according to the New Straits Times.
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