Law reform

Sisters in Islam share the good news that, because of your overwhelming support and help in response to our previous appeal, the Malaysian government recently announced that it would put on hold the gazetting of the controversial Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2005. The bad news is that this non-gazettement is only valid for the Federal Territories, and not for the remaining states in the federation of Malaysia that have adopted these unjust amendments into their respective Islamic Family Laws. Since Islam is a state matter, it means that Muslim women living in these 11 states continue to be affected by its unjust clauses. They urge you to express your concern ...
The Muslim cleric who conducted the ceremony said it was legal, even though the pair had never met, reports the AP news agency.
Chechnya has lost so many men to war that survivors should be legally allowed to take several wives, acting Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov has said.
Recognizing the Un-Recognized: Inter-Country Cases and Muslim Marriages & Divorces in Britain. A policy research by Women Living Under Muslim Laws, 2005.
As a Muslim mother with a teenage daughter, I am chilled by the passage of the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2005 on 22 December 2005.
We have received this open appeal for support from like-minded Muslim organizations and individuals around the globe to protest the recent passing of the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2005 by the Malaysian Senate.
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