
On 6th April, Women in Black together with citizens of Serbia, protested under the slogan "Not in our name, not with our money."
An interview with AWID's Lydia Alpizar about the ways in which religious organisations and women's organisations can work together for women's human rights.
Information on issues relating to women in Iraq from the website of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
A proposal by 13 Muslim scholars that abortion be legalized for pregnancy caused by rape or incest has sparked a variety of reactions among religious leaders.
A review of "Islamic Family Law in a Changing World: A Global Resource Book," Abdullahi A. An-Na'im, ed. by Cassandra Balchin of the WLUML International Coordination Office.
The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), after reviewing the Qisas and Diyat Ordinance (Act II of 1997) and the concept of justice in Islam, declared that honour killings and all other sorts of victimisation of women have no link with Islam.
A long-awaited bill on women's rights has been presented before Pakistan's National Assembly.
The Experience of Palestinian Women in Israel and Muslim Women in India by Hoda Rouhana.
If the President really wants to help women in prison, he would do well to repeal the Hudood Ordinances.
Solicitors are afraid of being branded racist if they intervene to stop forced marriages, the Law Society has said.