
"Inertia and sexism has plagued the response to HIV/AIDS and we will continue to lose vast numbers of women as a result."
The Jordanian government imprisons women threatened with “honor” crimes rather than the male relatives who threaten them, Human Rights Watch said in a recent report.
Fatou Sow, Claude Abati and Wassyla Tamzali discuss the current issues of the debate surrounding the banning of headscarves in French schools.
Justice is not being done in Gujarat and the state government is proactively responsible for this terrible breakdown.
By recognising the right of religious institutions to interfere in the exercise of European public powers, Article 51 contradicts the principle of separation between public and religious institutions.
The Pakistan government's move to abolish five percent reservation for women in government jobs has evoked sharp criticism from activists and the opposition, which, recently introduced a bill demanding an increase in job reservations for them.
Sri Lankans must wonder if their patricians could ever be trusted to deliver on an opportunity to remake the country.
The bill imposes stiff penalties which include up to 25 years imprisonment for those in gay relationships.
Currently the ICC is undergoing an enormous recruitment process to staff the Court in preparation for it’s substantive work.
A strategy for the West to counter Islamic extremism by supporting Islamic moderates has been put forward in a report funded in part by a conservative American foundation.