
Founded in 1984 as a modest resource and documentation centre, Jagori, a Delhi-based women's group, has grown from strength to strength in the last two decades.
The Ugandan practice of wedding dowries - known as the bride price - is to blame for much of the country's domestic violence, experts say.
The Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq is treating the fate of kidnapped women as an isolated phenomenon.
The nineteenth in the series of Courts of Women held since 1993 in different regions - Asia, Africa, the Arab world, Pacific, Central America and the Mediterranean.
A meeting of African lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender organizations, with fifty-five participants from twenty-two groups representing sixteen countries across the continent, adopted the following statement in South Africa, in February 2004.
The biggest challenge facing women is how to make their opinions count in the new government.
Afghan journalist Shukria Dawi Barekzai is optimistic that 2004 will prove to be a turning point for women in her country.
As world leaders meet to discuss population and development, new report reveals global Catholic public opinion diverges on abortion, contraception, and condoms from Vatican and US.
A meeting of church leaders in Kenya has been called to discuss how they can remove a clause in the draft constitution that recognises Muslim courts - also referred to as Kadhi's courts.
A report on the major defeat of the Islamist party PAS in Malaysia's recent elections.