
Crushing defeat of NDA led by the BJP in the recent general elections is certainly victory of secular forces.
Critics have said the decision suggests the Church values the life of an unborn child above the well-being and safety of a woman.
The Bangladeshi parliament has amended its constitution to reserve 45 seats for women.
An update from Zimbabwe Women's Resource Centre Network on the Draft Domestic Violence Bill 2003.
Foreign ministers have endorsed the concepts of democracy and human rights in a document prepared for approval at a two-day Arab summit in Tunis starting on 22 May.
Reforms preached in 70,000 mosques.
The patriarchal notion that women’s bodies and sexuality belong not to themselves, but to their families and society, is reflected not only in customary practices, but is also sanctioned by the penal and civil codes in all of the countries in the region.
Iran's reformist Parliament passed a bill Monday granting women the same inheritance rights as men, a move that sets the stage for a showdown with the conservative 12-member Guardian Council, Reuters reported yesterday.
Saudi Arabia's Consultative Council has endorsed a new immigation bill which would make mixed marriages easier by allowing Saudi women to keep their citizenship upon marrying foreigners.
While its emergence as an important economic and political sector is lauded by many, the fact that this group is also experiencing an upsurge in cases of domestic violence against women is often ignored.