
WLUML is attempting to contact networkers in the Sudan. In the meantime please click on the above for some information related to the deeply worrying situation in Darfur
The gathering of Arab leaders in Tunis over the weekend culminated in declarations of solidarity and peace that spoke generally of reform but were short on specifics and programs.
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan fact finding mission.
Women fighting use of Islamic law.
A compilation of some of the planned activities of members and supporters of Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights 'Women's Access To Health' Campaign.
The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales is urging voters to judge candidates for the local and European elections on their moral stances.
Three years after the overthrow of the Taliban and George Bush's declaration of victory in the first conflict in the war on terror, Afghanistan is a nation on the edge of anarchy.
Seats should be reserved for women in Arab parliaments so that they can play a greater role in the political sphere, delegates at a conference said.
Some Canadian Muslims are proposing the implementation of sections of Sharia [Muslim law] to settle family disputes outside the court system through arbitration committees/tribunals.
Marrying across the religious divide is still taboo in 21st-Century India.