
A study of the life circumstances and lived experiences of female and male non-heterosexual Muslims of Asian descent by Dr Andrew Yip (2003).
Hungry, frightened and helpless, young women in the Democratic Republic of Congo are selling their bodies in exchange for food and shelter. And the men expecting such 'payment' are the UN peacekeepers responsible for protecting them.
The controversial question of Christianity returned to the EU when seven states, led by Italy, urged the union to recognise a "historical truth" and refer explicitly to the "Christian roots of Europe" in its new constitution.
Statement by The Women’s Affairs Technical Committee.
An unprecedented worldwide public education effort to raise public awareness about the devastating effect of the bishops’ ban on condoms, sponsored by Catholics for a Free Choice.
Women Living Under Muslim Laws are deeply concerned about the escalation of violence and the repeated violations by the Israeli state of the human rights of Palestinians living in Rafah town and refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip.
Kuwait's Cabinet approved a draft law allowing women to vote and run in parliamentary polls, moving them a step closer to full political rights they have sought for decades in the conservative Gulf Arab state.
News of the recent completion of a successful Institute for Women’s Leadership and Training of Trainers in Kabul and the launch of an online Directory of Women Leaders from the Global South.
There is a long-held and deeply cherished conviction among Bangladeshi Muslims that we are a tolerant and moderate people - an editorial by Zafar Sobhan.
”We are of Muslim culture, we oppose misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism and the political use of Islam. We reassert a living secularism.”