
Marking International Women's Day.
Amelia Hill explores the scandal of ceremonies that lead to marital rape and slavery for girls as young as 12.
”We are going to shout about bride price across Africa and we are going to say 'no' to the sale of women,” exclaimed Atuki Turner to a crowded hall at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.
The purpose of this Circular is to provide guidance to those working in the criminal justice system on its provisions.
Muslim clerics in Turkey are to deliver sermons upholding women's rights and condemning so-called "honour killings."
In January 2004, WLUML urged you to join Iraqi women's efforts and take action to oppose the Iraqi Governing Council's (IGC) 'Resolution 137' dated 29 December 2003 that proposed the introduction of Sharia law in personal status matters and to cancel all laws which are incompatible with this decision. It was reported on 27th February 2004, that the IGC has cancelled resolution 137.
Anxiety has gripped women in Kenya's port city Mombasa after leaflets hit the streets telling them not to wear mini-skirts or other revealing clothes.
On the theme of women's equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and in post-conflict peace-building.
A temporary constitution for Iraq has finally been agreed after days of talks by the country's interim leaders.
The government of Morocco has adopted a new landmark Family Law supporting women’s equality and granting them new rights in marriage and divorce.