
Federal police in India have arrested 12 people on charges of murder and gang rape during the 2002 Gujarat riots.
In an embarrassing setback for moderates in Afghanistan's U.S.-backed government, authorities have reimposed a ban on women singing on state television just days after it was lifted.
We would like to express our horror at the Iraqi Governing Council’s Act 137 dated 29/12/2003 that replaces Iraqi civil law concerning family law with Sharia law.
Morocco has approved one of the most progressive laws on women's and family rights in the Arab world, which will see polygamy almost completely eradicated from the north African country.
FGM has been a specific criminal offence in the United Kingdom since the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act was passed in 1985.
Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority has issued a stern rebuke to women who appeared at a conference unveiled in the presence of men.
The state ruling party is weathering a barrage of criticism for 'riding roughshod' over female workers' rights in Terengganu.
The Menteri Besar now says it is not right for the Terengganu state government to dictate what non-Muslims cannot wear.

The following Declaration was drafted pursuant to a symposium organized in Panlýurfa by the Human Rights Association of Panlýurfa. The symposium took place on November 22nd and 23rd 2003. We, the co-authors of this Declaration, are deeply concerned about the recent developments at the United Nations regarding the language adopted within various documents regarding women’s rights. The efforts in questioning and undermining already accepted language of the Beijing Conference and Beijing Platform for Action calls for an immediate action by women’s (human) rights defenders.

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has vowed to protect a woman who faces being murdered by members of her own tribe in an honour killing.