
Including the struggle of the women of Chagos, an example for the world-wide women’s movement.
Bangladesh has banned publications by the minority Ahmadiyya movement amid demands from Islamic hardliners that it be declared non-Muslim.
"Your mouth, fundamental against fundamentalisms."
A burst of violence in Thailand's southern region since Sunday has forced into the open the simmering question about Bangkok's relationship with the country's Muslim minority.
WLUML presents below a brief selection of articles from the new Constitution of Afghanistan, adopted by the Loya Jirga in Kabul on Sunday, 4th January 2004.
Don't get me wrong. I understand as well as anyone the need to assert one's religious identity. There are times when you want -- when you demand -- to stand up and be counted.
I often wondered what kept many of my compatriots from knowing some of the true heroes in their own midst. Is it because we are less enthusiastic about knowing the achievements of a fellow citizen than finding about their scandals?
It is with the greatest sadness and profound shock that we are informing you that our dear friend Salma Sobhan of Bangladesh has died.
Human rights organisations had little to celebrate on this year's Human Rights Day, writes Mariz Tadros.
The Algerian government has set up a commission to revise the north African country's family code to improve women's rights, an official said on Monday.