
Kuwait's parliament has agreed to speed up moves towards a law to grant women the same political rights as men.
In the wooden shanty town of Elmina on the outskirts of Mauritania's capital, Nouakchott, AIDS educators do not let religious or cultural conservatism get in their way.
An overview of the Feminist Dialogue held prior to the World Social Forum in Brazil, January 2005.
Predominantly male protesters carried banners pledging to stop acid throwing. The men, and some acid victims also present at the rally, called for greater government efforts to stop the practice.
Regarded as an international legal information resource centre, the website is intended to be a focal point for research in the fields of constitution, public and international, and human rights with free public access to judgements.
Shaken by revolutionary developments in Ukraine and Georgia, Uzbekistan is turning away from the West. Officials increasingly see the democratic ideals espoused by the USA and the European Union as "alien" and destructive for Uzbek society.
It is hoped that this study will stimulate a constructive dialogue between activists and international actors that, ultimately, will improve the way in which we respond to conflict … together.
A review of the 12 Critical Areas of the Beijing Platform for Action which identifies future challenges and highlights existing good practices.
AWID speaks with Saida Ali, the dynamic Programmes Director of the Young Women’s Leadership Institute (YWLI), an organization based in Kenya.
Police said they believed the women had been accused by a religious movement of being prostitutes, and were not killed for political reasons.