
Suppose, as a result of George W. Bush's decision to go to war there, that Iraq turns into Iran? Just what do we do then?
Raid Qusti comments, "As human beings, we should be free to practice our own faith and live our own lives, as long as doing so does not harm anybody and does not break the law."
The AIDWA insists on a just and equitable nikahnama that protects the rights of both the husband and the wife.
On Friday 18th March 2005, Dr Amina Wadud will lead Jumah/Muslim Friday Prayer.
Asmau Joda is a Muslim woman activist from Nigeria. Until recently she was the Africa Coordinator of the WLUML network.
Traditional cultural practices are making it difficult for widows to re-marry of their own choice.
Roger Hardy asks if the world's biggest Muslim country can shake off extremism and make the transition to democracy.
We, non-governmental organizations and experts from several countries of the Middle East, North Africa and South/Southeast Asia have come together to advance, promote and defend sexual, bodily and reproductive rights as human rights.
When Judge Hamoud al-Hitar announced that he and four other Islamic scholars would challenge Yemen's Al Qaeda prisoners to a theological contest, Western antiterrorism experts warned that this high-stakes gamble would end in disaster.
The National Council for Women has been one of the strongest advocates for legal reform that effectively promotes and upholds the rights of women throughout Egypt.