
Following an 'orfy' (a common law marriage in which the state is not involved) women lack legal protection afforded by a registered marriage contract, and also face the anger of society.
In many areas of Kyrgyzstan, especially in the South, religion is playing a prominent role in the parliamentary election campaign. The involvement of Islamic and Christian spiritual leaders in politics is an unsettling development for authorities.
A Muslim girl today won her battle to wear traditional "head-to-toe" dress in the classroom after the Court of Appeal ruled her school had acted unlawfully in barring her.
Is this the future of 'Moderate' Islam in Asia? (Part One) by Farish A. Noor
Ten years after the world's nations pledged to achieve equality for women, a follow-up meeting has become embroiled in controversy over a U.S. demand that its final declaration state that women are not guaranteed the right to abortion.
Adulterers, cohabiting unmarried couples and those who kiss in public could all become criminals if a new Indonesian penal code is approved.
A teenage girl and two young men in Iran have been sentenced to lashes for having sex.
Prosperous and possessed of a spirited parliament, Kuwait has prided itself on being a standard setter among the Arab monarchies on the Persian Gulf. With respect to women's rights, however, today Kuwait ranks just above Saudi Arabia.
A key witness in an alleged multiple murder and gang rape during religious riots in India's Gujarat state has identified 12 of the accused in court.
Bangladesh's government has recently banned two fringe Islamic political organisations, accusing them of being behind a recent spate of bomb explosions.