
The Collective 20 ans Barakat - 20 Years Is Enough brings together several women’s organisations in France and serves as a networking point for Algerian women fighting against the 1984 Family Code.
Promotes information around the Platform for Action and the Declaration by producing press releases, features for electronic networks, newspapers, reports, TV, community and commercial radio and internet during the Beijing +10 process.
As feminists we need to remind ourselves ... patriarchy is alive & well and ... constantly finding new and innovative ways to re-invent itself. Patriarchy is about power. Fundamentalism too is about power and control, often in collusion with patriarchy.
Several hundred people have staged a peaceful protest in support of women's rights outside the Kuwaiti parliament.
Homosexuals in Turkey believe the European Union has failed to lend them adequate support and expect Brussels to speak out in favor of their struggle for equal rights in the mainly Muslim nation.
South East Asia's modernising Muslim societies still have some tough problems to solve.
Morocco is a country attempting to modernise its human rights, especially for women, who have lagged far behind - while not alienating conservative Muslims.
WLUML is a co-sponsor of this event, to be held on 7th March 2005, as part of the Global Week of Action for Women's Rights.
Energised by last year's election victory which mobilised the Christian conservative vote, the American Right has been confidently pushing a moral agenda which puts education at the heart of a battle to change US culture.