In March, the Progressive Muslim Union announced that Amina Wadud Muhsin would lead the yum'a prayers on Friday 18th of March in New York, delivering the khutba and leading the collective prayer.
The violence against Muslims which began in Gujarat in 2002 has been called one-sided and state-sponsored and has been likened to a pogrom. One form of violence could be directed only against women and girls - rape.
Zuleyha Seker hardly seems like a rebel. But as one of 400 women preachers, known as vaizes, currently working in several of Turkey's state-run mosques, Ms. Seker is making waves.
Muslim clerics in Spain issued what they called the world's first fatwa against Osama bin Laden on the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings, calling him an apostate and urging others of their faith to denounce the al-Qaida leader.