
The Canadian Council of Muslim Women presents a groundbreaking symposium on 9th April featuring international and Canadian scholars & activists working in the areas of jurisprudence, multiculturalism, human rights, the Canadian constitution & family law.
Positive Muslims welcomes the news that the consultation is to be hosted in Cape Town on 14-18th November 2006.
Suspect one of your neighbours is about to put her daughter's genitals under the knife? Call 'SOS Circumcision' and report the impending crime.
Allowing religious law to apply in the arbitration of family matters in Ontario could violate Canada's international human rights obligations and set a dangerous precedent with national and international repercussions for women's equality rights.
Salman Rushdie comments that wherever religions get into society's driving seat, tyranny results.
While Iraqis largely blame foreign forces for the relative loss of security and freedom, secular Iraqis fear other products of the 2003 invasion - fundamentalist militants and the prospect of religious rule - as much as occupation and daily terrorism.
Tribal leaders from Sudan's divided Darfur region on Tuesday rejected a U.N. resolution referring war crimes suspects to the International Criminal Court.
Cassandra highlights the work of WLUML and their stance on the introduction of Shari'a law in Ontario, Canada as a means of legal resolution to civil and family matters.
A growing number of Iraqi women are falling prey to insurgents killing those in prominent positions.