
To religious issues in Australia now, and Muslim leaders in Perth are planning to set up a special court under Sharia law to settle disputes in divorce proceedings.
The latest religious voice to emerge in US society is that of the pharmacist.
Women and girls who have fled ethnic cleansing in Darfur are being raped and subjected to sexual violence around the camps where they have sought refuge, Human Rights Watch said.
An interview with Pinar Ilkkaracan from Women for Women’s Human Rights – New Ways.
Since early 2003, the people of Darfur have endured a vicious campaign of violence. Rape against women, children and men has sadly been a constant factor in this violence throughout this campaign of terror.
Faith-based arbitration seen by some as authoritarian, sexist, anti-democratic.
Extremists have shot women activists in the streets and killed them in private. Other threats are more insidious—and may be growing. Article by Babak Dehghanpisheh, Eve Conant and Rod Nordland.
African women's rights organizations are leading an innovative campaign to get countries to ratify a protocol that specifically protects women's human rights. Show your solidarity with them by writing to African heads of state to urge them to ratify it.
Hamas has mounted a desperate damage-limitation exercise after one of its units shot dead a 20-year-old Palestinian woman for "immoral behaviour" as she enjoyed a day out with her future husband.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has strongly criticized the Ugandan government, accusing it of pushing the abstinence line while downplaying the safe sex message. A "life-threatening" shift which HRW says is orchestrated and funded by the US.