
Girls are abducted against their will to live life in the army. The roles vary from being soldiers to porters but most are forced to serve as sex slaves or ‘wives’. The findings highlight a global trend which is not unique to one country or continent.
Islah (reform) as sulh signifies peaceful action which leads to reconciliation and accord. Sulh is sometimes rendered as consensus, a democratic precept by any other name.
Spain's lower house of parliament has approved the right of homosexual couples to marry and adopt children.
New publication from Women for Women's Human Rights (WWHR) - NEW WAYS detailing the success of two nationwide campaigns.
The study examines the common aspects of criminal laws in the Middle East & North Africa related to sexuality, providing a historical perspective & insight into the amalgamation of tribal, religious, colonial laws & their impact on modern codes.
Sentences imposed for alleged homosexual conduct violate basic rights.
This 10-point summary refutes key claims by the Mayor of London in defence of his invitation to the Muslim cleric Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi last July to City Hall.
Although village courts are illegal, they still hold a powerful sway in rural Pakistan, and verdicts that target the innocent - particularly women - are common.
As Iraq's first elected parliament in decades prepares to begin its work, the women who make up nearly a third of its members agree on one thing: they want more power ... At the same time, the assembly's women are deeply divided.