
A revolt in the eastern town of Andizhan in the mainly Muslim Ferghana Valley was crushed by Uzbek troops, who opened fire on thousands of protesters, many opposing President Islam Karimov's autocratic rule.
The latest NGO Alternative Report to CEDAW, written by a national network of Palestinian women’s rights and human rights NGOs working on Palestinian women’s rights issues from various perspectives and fields of expertise.
Thirty three countries are participating in the first Arab-Latin American summit which seeks to increase solidarity between Arab & Latin American countries in the international circles, particularly the UN Security Council & the World Trade Organization.
Muslim, lesbian, feminist, writer, scholar and TV personality - Irshad Manji is all these things and the controversial best-selling author of 'The Trouble with Islam...'
This paper outlines the frequency and dynamics of rape as a tool of conflict in the ongoing civil war.
There is growing concern among Palestinian human rights workers after the killings of at least six young women in recent months. The murders are described in some quarters as "honour killings".
In December 2004, BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights with support from the New Tactic Project Micro Grant, organized a workshop which trained journalists in the identification of human rights issues and the development of creative strategies and tactics.
KARAMAH - Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights is currently accepting applications for its summer Leadership Development Program which will take place from 11 July 11 - 5 August 2005.
A 3 day international conference on population and development has been held in Pakistan, attended by 54 ulema from 29 countries.
WLUML is interested to note the similarities between the issues raised in this piece which focuses on the Latin American region - namely fundamentalisms, SAPs and shrinking of secular spaces - and those which we are concerned about and working on.