
Based in Syria, its aim is to provide a reliable resource of international, regional and local documents (laws, conventions etc.) concerning women. It also has the goal of monitoring practices that violate women's rights and freedoms.
Tearing into shreds the model nikaahnama released last week by the All India Muslim Personal Board, several women's and human rights organizations slammed it for being blatantly anti-women and reactionary.
A forum was held in Accra, to bring Christian leaders from churches together to discuss the draft Domestic Violence Bill, which seeks to address the gaps in the current legislation. They also examined related issues of gender in relation to Christianity.
The International Crisis Group strongly condemns the brutal police attack on Asma Jahangir and other rights activists participating in a peaceful gathering in Lahore, Pakistan, on 14 May 2005.
Religious belief has always been an important part of American life, but has it seeped into parts of the nation which should be kept secular?
Women of Bountiful are prisoners, bound to a cult masquerading as a legal religious option in a multicultural society. This is a cult that is breaking Canada’s laws against polygamy and maybe underage sex.
Amina Wadud, an Islamic scholar of repute from US led the mixed congregational prayer on 18th March 2005 in New York and also delivered khutba' (i.e. sermon).
Morocco's king has launched a programme to improve the country's slums, seen as recruiting grounds for radical Islam.
The Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice is promoting this experts programme amongst female practitioners to ensure women with expertise and experience in working with victims of sexual violence and trauma, are on the roster.
A very relevant article from Catholics For A Free Choice 2001 newsletter 'Conscience' which discusses initiatives of faith-related feminist organizations to resist fundamentalisms & the importance of supporting, & networking with, these initiatives.