
AIMPLB's recently-held eighteenth national conference included the controversial revival of talk of establishing a separate system of 'Islamic courts' in the country but this has not received the attention it deserves.
Conservative US families 'adopt' from fertility clinics.
The plan addresses the problem of forced marriages and recommends, among other measures, that steps should be taken to increase the level of knowledge and to provide opportunities for young people breaking out of a difficult family situation.
The Domestic Relations Bill (DRB) has again been shelved amidst protests from several MPs, mostly women activists.
Zainah Anwar is a good Muslim. She is also an outspoken campaigner for women's rights. To many Muslim men in Malaysia and beyond, these two facts are barely compatible.
The Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) is concerned about three criminal charges made against women's rights campaigner Ms. Ghada Yusuf Jamsheer, accusing her of foul language, abusing a shari'ah family court and a former shari'a judge.
Women activists have demanded for more involvement in the implementation of the southern Sudanese peace process that followed the 9 January agreement between Khartoum and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A).
Last week the ICC held consultations on the draft Regulations of the Registry. These regulations relate to the implementation of the Registry’s mandate and responsibilities as outlined in the Rome Statute.
When culture harms the girls - the globalisation of female genital mutilation.
On the 25th of May, the day of the referendum, women and girls taking part in a peaceful demonstration demanding democracy were beaten and sexually attacked.