
Within a month, five women, Shadia Jidawi from Tulkarem, Yusra Al ‘Azamy from Gaza, Faten Habash from Ramallah, Rudaina Shukirat (8 months pregnant) and her sister, Amany Shukirat from Jabal Mukaber, were killed for challenging patriarchal norms.
This article makes the point that lawmen can't stop going after criminals just because the number of criminals is "too great".
The complex case around the death of Rahila Iqbal, 20, who died in connection with a car accident in Randheer, Pakistan last week, took a new turn on Wednesday when authorities there jailed her father and grandfather and charged them with murder.
Despite the separation of church and state being enshrined in the US constitution, more than 40 per cent of US citizens said religious leaders should use their influence to try to sway policy-makers.
Women's Petition Committee members have condemned a series of cases filed against their leader Ghada Jamsheer for allegedly defaming three Sharia judges.
On 03/06/05 and 04/06/05 two young girls were brutally raped by Janjaweed militias dressed in government military uniform.
In the refugee shantytowns of Darfur, the horrific stories that young women whisper are not of random criminality but of a systematic campaign of rape to terrorize civilians & drive them from "Arab lands" - a policy of rape.
Religions are on the offensive throughout Canada. In addition to the majority Christians, Canada now enjoys a growing presence of followers of the religions of the world: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and many others.
Saudi Arabia's appointed consultative council has shelved a proposal by one of its members to lift the ban on women's driving in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.