
An interesting article from 2003 in which Muslim Personal law (MPL) is discussed - a plural system of laws which govern family matters and which defines women’s status and autonomy in the private sphere of the family.
Her crime was to be found in the company of a man she was not married to.
Muslim men are being urged against instant divorce of their wives, in a new marriage code from an authoritative body of Muslim clerics in India.
Bhopal, April 26: Three days before the All India Muslim Personal Law Board begins its two day meet here, women of the community are going from door to door in small groups canvassing for their rights.
A widespread campaign aims to help Jordan's forgotten victims.
If Ontario decides to uphold the use of Shariah law, Canada will become the first western liberal democracy to allow Muslim personal law into family matters such as child custody, child & spousal support, division of property, inheritance & separation.
A resource to support practitioners in implementing gender programmes and in mainstreaming gender equality concerns, whether they are gender specialists or not.
‘'It is not an easy job ... At crucial moments I get chased out of places where the practice is much more prevalent,'' complains Ann Marie Caulker, who is championing the campaign to end the age-old tradition of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Doctors could soon be obliged to record all female patients who report to hospitals and clinics showing signs of abuse.