
Kathambi Kinoti of AWID offers a glimpse at a few of last year's gains and setbacks for women all over the world.
"Commemorating pioneer women and present challenges for the Iraqi women march"
Tolekan Ismailova sent the following information to the Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) after her second night of incarceration following her arrest in December while peacefully protesting irregularities in the Kyrgyzstan elections.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan condoles the death of Benazir Bhutto.
The Women's Action Forum (WAF) issues a statement on the assassination of former prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, while campaigning for upcoming national elections.
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has pardoned a female rape victim who had been sentenced to 200 lashes for being alone with a man at the time of the attack who was not related to her, reported a Saudi newspaper.
16 year old Aqsa Parvez was killed by her father on 10 December, allegedly for not wearing a veil.
"There is no legal or Islamic basis for such sentencing. Although it is true that according to Qur’anic teaching, a woman may not meet a man in privacy, no punishment was decreed for taking such action."
Bomb blasts in Algeria: A call from concerned Algerian citizens to citizens' organizations, progressive parties and unions.
"Every edict pronounced should be based on the expertise of that field, not limited merely to the halal (allowed) versus haram (prohibited) paradigm. Enlightenment is what Indonesian society needs."