
6 February is International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation. The day has been designated by the United Nations to raise awareness amongst the general public about this traditional practice which severely violates the human rights of women and girls.
"Madhya Pradesh has perhaps the highest number of gang rapes in the India. Shockingly, in the last 1,300 days — from Dec 7, 2003 to June 30, 2007 – 1,217 gang rapes were reported in the state as per the Madhya Pradesh State Assembly records."
Iranian police will crack down on women in Tehran flouting Islamic dress codes with winter fashions deemed immodest, such as tight trousers tucked into long boots, an officer was quoted as saying.
"The siege of Gaza is a collective punishment violating international law, and far from ensuring Israel's security, it is only stoking rage and desperation."
Report by the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission affirms that women's rights are enshrined in most international human rights treaties to which Afghanistan has joined, and thus the Afghan government has an obligation to observe these rights.
The custom in this area of Ghana demands that a widow must choose someone from her late husband’s family to continue delivering children for the dead man. All of the children bear his name.
Far-right political leaders from four EU nations have unveiled plans to form a pan-European "patriotic" party.
Netherlands braced for expressions of anger from some Muslims as right-wing politician prepares to release an 'anti-Islam' film.
Despite a ban imposed by the BJP Madhya Pradesh against teaching sex education in schools since March 2006, a survey shows 73 per cent of teachers in that state do not think sex lessons in school promote "indecency in the name of education".
Saudi authorities, breaking with religious codes that require women to be accompanied by a male guardian, have decided to allow women to stay in hotels on their own, a newspaper reported yesterday.