
"We say: No culture, religion or tradition can ever excuse violence in close relations, like forced marriages (and other abuses and malpractises)." Action Plan now available in English!
Unicef says an estimated two million children in Iraq continue to face threats, including poor nutrition, disease and interrupted education.
A lecture by the Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, a Justice of the High Court of Australia, the highest court in Australia at Griffith University, Friday, 16 November, 2007 on the subject of "Fundamental Human Rights and Religious Apostasy".
An open letter appealing for expressions of solidarity from feminist, human rights, and social justice groups.
Front Line reported their deep concern following the arrest of eleven human rights defenders and the alleged torture and ill-treatment of a number of those arrested.
Women in the United Arab Emirates will soon be allowed to become judges, breaking a male monopoly over the profession in the conservative monarchy, the justice minister was quoted as saying.
The Nairobi Women's Hospital said it had on 31 December received 19 rape cases, almost double the daily average.
News and commentary on a Hindu woman, Subashini, who launched an appeal after being told to go to the 'Syariah Court' in her dispute with her Muslim convert husband over her matrimonial and custodial rights.
Vigilantes kidnap reporter Muneeza Jahangir, daughter of leading Pakistani women's human rights activist, lawyer, and United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Asma Jahangir.
They are neither men nor women. In their devotion to God, however, they are second to none.