
Leaders of Muslim groups draw up rules to fight extremists and allow women's rights.
The World Association of Newspapers has joined an international appeal, calling for freedom of expression in Bahrain. The initiative was launched by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights.
Isabella Bakker's report on financing gender equality and empowerment, from the United Nation Division for the Advancement of Women, Expert Group Meeting on Financing for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (4-7 Sep. 07) Download the report here.
“There is another line of defense: if you take these women, there are more behind them. We will be there, and you will hear our voices." - Fariba Davoodi Mohajer
"Block thinkers" treat all the varied segments of Islam as nothing more than parts of a unified threat to the West, thus making it harder for Muslims to stand out and criticize their own block thinkers.
A committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted to back a resolution calling for a global moratorium on executions with a view to eventually abolishing the death penalty entirely.
"Yet the continued existence of women's and human rights activists in Sudan, as well as the diversity of Muslim culture found in Darfur, demonstrates that whoever instigated this latest incident cannot claim to speak in the name of all Sudanese."
"We note a shift in public discourse concerning this case; it has effectively turned from a gang rape — in which the rapists were the perpetrators — to a case of seduction in which the girl is the seducer and guilty party."
"Some reports said protesters had called for her to be shot. Her lawyer said she was later moved for her own safety."
"Sold into prostitution aged nine, condemned by an Iranian judge to hang at 18, Leila was saved by a group of human rights activists."