
Bahraini Special Security Forces and National Security suppress peaceful demonstrations; Women's Petition Committee condemns the attack on women at the General Prosecutor's.
One hundred and thirty-three women were killed last year in Basra, Iraq’s second largest city, either by religious vigilantes or as a result of so-called “honour” killings, a report said on 31 December, 2007.
"The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia" by Dubravka Žarkov is now available.
In the comic book "The 99", Muslim superheroes fight for a better world – and offend conservatives, reports Sonja Zekri.
Morality drive focuses on low-cut clothing and other signs of behaviour seen as 'un-traditional' and therefore inappropriate.
"We intend to bring attention to the constant abuse of religion, tradition, national and cultural heritage – all for political purposes, in order to gain legitimacy and political power..."
"What we should learn from forced marriages and 'honour' killings is that we cannot allow cultural relativism to compromise women's human rights."
The Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) condemns the killings of women in Basra and Umara and calls for women's protection services.
"We learn from history how many a deadly lion has emerged from the harem and how many hennaed hands have held the reigns of kingdoms..."
"These clerics are not democratically elected officials, nor legislators. There is no obligation for the state to legitimize their presence or support their activities with state funding."