
"Irshad Manji is the internationally best-selling author of "The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in her Faith". Through a new lens, this questioning Muslim takes a journey to reconcile her faith in Allah with her love of freedom."
Testimony of Ghada Jamsheer given to the Conference on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, held in November 2007.
Debate on the proposed banning of the headscarf in educational institutions. A right to secularism? Or a right to education?
Background, resources and actions to address the violence and vandalism carried out by Hindu fundamentalists in Orissa state, India. ACPP-Hotline Asia summarizes:
As more and more suicides among women are attributed to violence in the home, pressure is building for a law to end the climate of impunity.
Islam and feminism are not incompatible according to Moroccan doctor and writer Asma Lamrabet.
Segregated from men, banned from driving and facing restrictions on travel, work, and even study, many Saudi women attempt suicide to escape one of the world's strictest societies.
A Statement from Concerned Citizens and Governance, Human Rights and Legal Organizations.
23-year-old Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh, reporter of Jahan-e Naw daily paper and a journalism student at Balkh University in northern Afghanistan, was detained three months ago.
“This is very much against the policy of the Education Ministry. A co-ed school is meant to be a co-ed school and headmasters cannot decide to have different policies for their schools,” Mohamad said.