
The Global Campaign is designed to address the persistent misuse of religion and culture to justify killing women as punishment for violating the ‘norms’ of sexual behaviour as defined and imposed by vested interests. Download the concept paper here!
The World Organisation Against Torture's (OMCT) oral statement in the panel discussion on the integration of a gender perspective and women's rights into the work of the Human Rights Council.
A judge in Saudi Arabia has ordered a victim of gang rape to receive 200 lashes - more than double her original sentence for being alone with a man who was not a relative - after she appealed against the lenient sentences given to the men who attacked her
Currently, over 60% of the world's people live in countries where induced abortion is permitted either for a wide range. In contrast, about 26% of all people reside in countries where abortion is generally prohibited.
Authorities in Saudi Arabia have defended a judicial sentence of 200 lashes for a rape victim.
The findings of parliament delegation suggest that prison officials first give medicines to prisoners to stupefy them and then sexually assault them.
"'Wearing Western-style clothes and insignias of deviant groups' (usually a reference to referring to Satanists or rappers), was on the list alongside 'production and distribution of decadent movies as well as private home-made videos'."
Saudi woman punished for being alone with a man; Lawyer specialising in women's rights suspended
From 25 November 25 to 10 December 2007, the Women's International Network of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-WIN) will highlight the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence with a second Annual Internet campaign.
Hosted by WLUML, this Global Campaign will be launched on 26 November 2007, in Istanbul.