
Saturday 10 November at 14:00h: Join the mass demonstration outside 10 Downing Street, London.
"Indonesia in the post-Suharto era has maintained the Pancasila, a political ideology comprised of the belief in one God, humanity, the unity of Indonesia, democracy and social justice. However, demands for the implementation of shari'a remain audible..."
Curbs on media condemned: Rights bodies demand immediate withdrawal of emergency proclamation.
On International Women’s Day 2007, IRIN launched "The Shame of War", a reference book and photo essay containing portraits and testimonies of the sexual violence women suffer when men go to war. It is now available online through the IRIN website.
Download an unofficial English translation of the Iraq Personal Status Law of 1959.
Yehudit Kirstein Keshet and other Israeli women like her have spent six years monitoring activities at Israeli checkpoints leading to the West Bank. What motivates these women to monitor the men who are supposed to be protecting them?
"Muslim Minorities and the Law in Europe - Chances and Challenges", by Mathias Rohe (2007).