
Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights developed this website as a tool for the promotion of women's human rights in countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the former Soviet Union (FSU). Information in English with links to materials in Russian.
Paper: "Feminist Perspectives on Radical Democracy: A Critique of Democracy"
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions' new publication: "In Search of Equality: A survey of Law and Practice related to Women's Inheritance Rights in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region" available for download.
New publication by Farzana Hassan: "Prophecy and the Fundamentalist Quest: An Integrative Study of Christian and Muslim Apocalyptic Religion"
"According to police records, every year 20-25 women in Jordan are killed “in the name of honour”, that is, for having an illicit affair."
The Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) has introduced a new program designed to empower young women to create a shared vision, to build consensus, strengthen their communication skills, and create action plans to address the issues that impact their lives
To date, domestic violence in Muslim communities has received little attention. This book is one of the first edited volumes to focus on domestic violence in Muslim families.
The decision by a northern Italian city official to allow Muslim women to wear the burqa has sparked consternation in the country, even though at least one minister supported the move.
"Murders considered to have been in defence of honour are not considered a "crime" under Syrian law, but an "offence". It carries a maximum penalty of a year's imprisonment, but could be reduced to a month by a judge."
"European Muslims Should Adopt Universal Values; There is Only One Civilization; The Koranic Verse on Wife-Beating Should Be Abrogated; Domestic violence and FGM are Violations of Human Rights."