
Zainab Salbi is the founder and CEO of Women for Women International. She is also the author of "Between Two Worlds: Escape from Tyranny - Growing Up in the Shadow of Saddam" and "The Other Side of War: Women’s Stories of Survival & Hope".
Fatima Jafri on multiculturalism, religious plurality and veiling in Trinidad and Tobago.
The authorities in Turkmenistan are clamping down on state workers who do not adhere to unofficial dress codes, say NBCentralAsia observers.
The Assessment covers: political participation, civil society and women in decision making; violence against women and the right to personal security; labor & economic rights; family & marriage; nationality; health; education. [updated Dec. 2006]
In August 2007, five women panelists spoke at a symposium entitled "Women, Islam and the West", as part of the WISE initiative.
"Leaving it up to schools to 'behave reasonably' does not really help. The concept lacks precision. What seems reasonable to one individual or group seems unreasonable to another."
Recently, a Saudi woman filed for divorce because her husband had removed her veil while she was sleeping.
"I reached this position through my dedication and hard work," said Col. Sumayya Hassan Nasser Al Rashid.
An Attack on a PACE Flag – An Attack on Women Defenders of Human Rights
The British Journal of Sociology 2007 public lecture presents: "Sexual Politics: The Limits of Secularism, The Time of Coalition"; 30 October 2007, 6:30-8:00 pm; London School of Economics.