[empower] women’s activism

Dozens of women’s and human rights groups condemn the recent arrest and imprisonment of Iranian women’s rights activist Alieh Eghdamdoust. She will serve a sentence of three years imprisonment for participating in a lawful and peaceful demonstration in June 2006/1385 in Haft-e Tir Square in Tehran.

اجتمعت العضوات المرتبطات بالشبكة التضامنية الدولية، نساء في ظل قوانين المسلمين في داكار- السنغال في يوليو- تموز 2006 لتطوير خطة عملنا الرابعة. وهذا تحليل لإطار العمل الاسترشادي لاستراتيجياتنا للبرامج والنشاطات التي سنقوم بها في السنوات القادمة.

Many divorcees are expected to attend a mass rally in Kano city organised by the National Association of Divorcees, Widows and the Orphans of Nigeria, to protest the growing divorce rate and "insufficient husbands in Kano State."
According to a report by Radio France International, Persian Service the One Million Signatures Campaign has been awarded the Simone de Beauvoir Award which was established in honor and memory of this Feminist theorist and writer.
Petit coup de pouce en faveur des Iraniennes : la campagne des « Un million de signatures pour la parité entre hommes et femmes » vient de recevoir le « Prix Simone de Beauvoir pour la liberté des femmes », une récompense française créée l'année dernière.
Acid attacks against women and girls are continuing despite legal campaigns to halt their spread.
Nearly 200 women from 40 women’s organizations staged a demonstration in front of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) building in Erbil calling to amend a Personal Status Law article allowing polygamy.
Elue ce mois présidente de l'Association Tunisienne de Femmes Démocrates, Sanaa Benachour a parlé de sa vision pour parvenir à l'égalité des sexes et lutter contre l'extrémisme religieux.
« Tech sans violence » est une campagne internationale francophone pour sensibiliser aux enjeux des TIC pour les femmes, tout particulièrement au lien entre la violence faite aux femmes et les technologies.
A Saudi charity which helps divorced and underprivileged women has won a European Union prize for human rights groups in the Gulf, the Riyadh office of the European Commission said on Wednesday.
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