[empower] women’s activism

Rencontre. La réalisatrice palestinienne Annemarie Jacir précise les propos de son film le Sel de la mer et les conditions de sa réalisation.
Honored for Courage in Exposing Abuse and Seeking Justice
A new proposed Family Protection Bill has been returned to the judiciary commission of the Iranian parliament as a result of backlash against the bill's most discriminatory provisions.
Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi slandered by the Iranian government-controlled news agency; activists are concerned for her safety.
Une mise à jour sur la réforme des Nations Unies et la campagne de la société civile en faveur d’une réforme et d’un renforcement de l’architecture de l’égalité des sexes des Nations Unies.
La Campagne Internationale sur les Femmes Défenseures des Droits Humains consolide actuellement son travail en créant une Coalition qui soutiendra de façon durable les femmes défenseures des droits humains.
The following is an update provided by BAOBAB - For Women's Human Rights, a women's rights organization based in Nigeria. This is a brief report on the Public Hearing held in July 2008 regarding a proposed bill which, if made into law, would regulate styles of clothing on the grounds this would curb sexual intimidation and other sexual offences. The women who conducted research, presented their findings and demands, spoke out at the public hearing and aired their concerns with the world are to be commended for their actions and commitment to fighting discriminatory laws.
L'Association des Femmes Chefs de Famille (AFCF) and calls for the restoration of constitutional government in Mauritania.
Iran has suspended the punishment of death by stoning; Activists remain concerned

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights (UAF) is a global women’s fund that exists to protect, strengthen and sustain women human rights defenders at critical moments in time. By intervening quickly when defenders are poised to make great gains or face serious threats to their lives and work, UAF provides an efficient and effective model of strategic philanthropy.Designed and led by women activists, UAF’s core programs – Rapid Response Grantmaking and Research, Publications & Advocacy – strengthen and inform one another.

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