[empower] women’s activism

Women abandoned by their husbands in Bahrain broke their silence and staged two sit-ins in July to highlight the legal challenges they faced in getting their marriage annulled.
Rencontre avec les fondatrices du centre Al Nadim.
The following is an update on the situation in the Kanchanpur district of Nepal where women human rights defender Laxmi Bohara was murdered by her husband and mother-in-law. Further women activists are now being threatened and attacked.
The National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders (NAWHRDs) requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Nepal. NAWHRDs is shocked and appalled about death of Ms. Laxmi Bohara, 28, a member of Women Human Rights Defender Network, Kanchanpur and a resident of Champapur, Ward No. 8, Daji Village Development Committee in Kanchanpur district. She was severely beaten and physically injured by her husband and mother-in-law and later died in the zone hospital.
La cour d’appel de Salé a acquitté le 30 Avril 2008 le violeur d’une femme mariée, enceinte et mère de deux enfants.
Interviewée à Amman par le journal espagnol El Mundo, Leila Khaled, héroïne de la résistance palestinienne revendique le combat qu'elle a mené. (Traduit par Charlotte pour info.palestine.net).
The Women Living Under Muslim Laws network is extremely dismayed to learn of the untimely death of our friend and ally, Toni Kassim. We extend our condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.
Through WLUML networkers, the Algerian 'Collectif des familles de disparus' (CFDA) and the OMCT, we have learned of the unfair dismissal of Ms. Cherifa Kheddar from her position of employment at the prefecture of Blida. Kheddar is the president of the Djazairouna association, a group which defends the victims of terrorism.
Successful Policy Dialogue by Solidaritas Perempuan Anging Mammiri, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Le gouvernement mauritanien a déclaré qu’il tentait actuellement d’augmenter le nombre de procédures engagées contre les auteurs de viols, mais avec des juges peu formés et des textes de loi obscurs et dépassés, les progrès en la matière s’annoncent lents
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