[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

This project is the current initiative of Prof. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im and celebrates and seeks to contribute to the struggle of Muslim societies to define themselves in the context of the local and global conditions under which they live.
This month, Act Together: Women's Action for Iraq is hosting Iraqi women’s rights activist Sundus Abbas, Director of Women in Leadership Institute, Baghdad.
The horror of the London bombings raises critical questions for all of us. What are the root causes of this tragedy and what role did political Islam play in these events? Is political Islam an inevitable reaction to the “Global War on Terror”?
As women face escalating violence and exclusion in Iraq, activist Hanaa Edwar Busha brings news from the frontlines to a major international conference on women in reconciliation and security.
On December 17, 2003, a 26-year-old woman named Malalai Joya joined hundreds of others in a large tent in Kabul, Afghanistan, to adopt a new constitution for their war-torn nation.
Awaaz - South Asia Watch urges the re-opening of the exhibition of Indian artist, MF Husain. Awaaz condemns the closure of the exhibition following violence, harassment & intimidation by fundamentalists claiming to represent the views of British Hindus.
Presenting a friendly forum for dialogue on issues related to faith-based arbitration, Sharia law and Muslim jurisprudence (fiqh) anchored in the Quran for those groups and individuals that make up the Muslim community in Ontario.
In Bangladesh, Thoraya Obaid addressed thousands of members of the Grand Conference of Imams, urging them to promote the full and equal participation of women in society, and she promised to give computers to a unique health clinic in the capital.
More than 15,000 Turks, from students to judges still in their robes, marched in the capital to support secularism and to condemn a courtroom shooting that killed one judge and wounded four others.
Annoncée comme le débat musulman de l’année, la première confrontation entre Tariq Ramadan et Ghaleb Bencheikh a bien eu lieu.
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