International: The future of Shari'a: secularism from an Islamic perspective

Future of Shari'ah Project
This project is the current initiative of Prof. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im and celebrates and seeks to contribute to the struggle of Muslim societies to define themselves in the context of the local and global conditions under which they live.
A key aspect of this process is the constitutional and legal dimensions of the post-colonial experiences of Muslim societies, especially the relationship among Islam, state and society.
At this stage, the English manuscript is almost ready, and six of its chapters can now be downloaded and printed from the website under "English." The manuscript is also being translated into Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Persian, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu. Prof. An-Na'im is also working on finalizing an Arabic version of the manuscript.

The Future of Shari'a website offers chapters of the manuscript in several languages, with the following objectives:
  1. To immediately initiate debate around the concept, themes, methodology and content of the manuscript as a whole.
  2. To help Prof. An-Na`im to revise or clarify his thesis and analysis for it to be more persuasive to Muslims throughout the world.
  3. To provide feedback to translators about the accuracy and clarity of their formulations. As all versions will be available on the page of each translation, it should be possible for readers to compare the same point in any two of the languages used, without knowing English, the language in which Prof. An-Na'im prepared the text for translation.
Chapters can be downloaded from the respective language sections of the website. Additionally, site visitors can send us their comments, suggestions, and queries in the language of their choice through the corresponding email address. For queries, comments, and suggestions in English, please contact us at

We invite you to visit the website, read and download chapters and to send us your comments and feedback. The content on the website is provided free solely for scholarly responses and public debate purposes. Since all the contents of this website are in draft form, we request that none of the materials included here in any language should be cited as academic sources.

With best regards

Future of Shari'ah project website team