[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

Asghar Ali Engineer writes about the importance of issues surrounding women in Muslim contexts, particularly in contemporary societies.
For Zarqa Nawaz, a hijab-wearing Muslim woman living in the Canadian prairies, life in the west has always provided certain conundrums. For example, is a woman obliged to cover herself in the presence of a gay man?
Ali Saleem may have devised the perfect, if improbable, cover for breaking taboos in conservative, Muslim Pakistan.
Farish Noor of the German Center for Modern Oriental Studies, has initiated what he calls a new model for dialogue, taking more time and incorporating partners that were previously left to watch from the sidelines.
Jewish objections to Iran's shameful conference have been given prominence in the media. Unfortunately, Muslim voices of outrage have not. This serves to reinforce negative stereotypes of Muslims as Jew-haters and fanatics which is not the case.
This event was organized to commemorate the 10th anniversary of BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights with the theme ‘The Challenges of Religious Fundamentalisms and Globalisation to Women’s Human Rights.’ It was held from 24-25 November 2006 in Lagos.
Sisters in Islam was one of three NGOs mentioned at the Umno assembly as being party to undermining Islamic values through its talks and publications.
Some WLUML networkers participated in and attended the recently held WISE conference and have shared some of their impressions about the event.
Deux textes nous proposent une nouvelle grille de lecture cohérente mais tout à fait simplificatrice des évolutions politiques récentes en France et dans le monde.
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