[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

"Tomislav Nikolić’s threat to declare a state of emergency on his first day as Speaker of the Serbian National Assembly indicates a serious slide towards totalitarianism in Serbia."
Au lendemain des attentats d’Alger, Cherifa Kheddar, Présidente de l’association Djazairouna des familles des victimes du terrorisme, interrogée lors du journal de France Culture.
The Arab Women's Solidarity Association - Belgium has created a trilingual online petition in protest of the threats faced by writer Nawal El Saadawi by non-state actors and express support for the freedom of expression and creativity in all contexts.
Arab Women's Solidarity Association-Belgique vous invite à signer cette pétition pour la liberté de pensée et de créativité.
Fariba Davoudi Mohajer and Sussan Tahmasebi, two of the eleven women’s rights activists summoned by the Revolutionary Court, were sentenced to prison on April 18 for threatening “national security.” The two activists were organizers of the peaceful protest on June 12, 2006 and the “One Million Signatures” campaign demanding an end to discriminatory laws against women. Davoudi Mohajer, who was tried in absentia as she is currently abroad, was sentenced to one year in prison and three years suspended sentence. Tahmasebi was sentenced to six months in jail and one year suspended sentence. Their lawyers are appealing the sentences.
Rights activists, feminists, and concerned citizens demonstrated in four Pakistani cities yesterday, denouncing the recent examples of a 'Talibanization' of the country.
300 000 turcs dans la rue pour défendre la laïcité de leur Etat
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