[fund] resisting fundamentalisms

Law Minister Moudud Ahmed surprised us the other day when he informed the country that the people of Bangladesh had never accepted secularism as a principle of state. And then he surprised us even more.
The City Corporation Mayor of Rajshahi, Mijanur Rahman Minu, MP said that he will impose taxes on polygamists to deter the “outdated” practice of marrying more than one wife.
Some thoughts and perspectives from Zainah Anwar, Executive Director of Sisters in Islam (SIS). Zainah gives public talks on Islam and women's rights, politics and fundamental liberties, nationally and internationally.
With a faith-based agenda of their own, liberal and progressive clergy from various denominations are lobbying lawmakers, holding rallies and publicizing their positions.
An interview with Frances Kissling, President of Catholics for a Free Choice.
A mahant from Varanasi and a mufti from Punjab came together on a common platform in Mumbai recently to jointly declare a holy war (jihad) against their respective co-religionists who preach hatred and perpetrate violence against innocent citizens.
This document describes briefly some relevant strands of Islamic Right political ideology. It is a short description of complex and sometimes highly overlapping political tendencies, organizations and networks.
We, the undersigned, represent a broad range of religious communities and organisations in India. We are drawn from Protestant, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist faiths and none.
Afghan women protest against the government decision to re-establish the Vice and Virtue Department.
Acts of Terror are acts of cowardice. Terror of the kind unleashed by eight bomb blasts in Mumbai's western railway line killing over 175 innocent victims need to be condemned unequivocally.
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