
Conditions of financial dependency complicate women’s participation in politics and make the funding of political campaigns extremely hard.
Dans Mogadiscio en guerre, des groupes de femmes essayent de remplir le vide humanitaire pour aider des milliers de personnes déplacées par les combats dans la capitale, ont indiqué des activistes de la société civile.
June 12 2009, the day that Iranians voted for a new president, was also the fourth anniversary of the demonstration that the women’s movement organized at the University of Tehran in 2005.
Adieu l’ami ! Adieu camarade ! par Mohamed Sifaoui
A travel ban placed on Nargess Mohammadi in May 2009, while she was on her way to attend a conference convened by the Nobel Women’s Initiative in Guatemala, prevented her from attending this ceremony.
Fatima Zahra Mansouri, avocate de 33 ans, est une femme maire de Marrakech.
Egypt elected the first Arab woman to parliament in 1957, but in the half century since, the most populous country in the Arab world has gone from being a leader in women's political participation to a lagger.
As the country prepares to elect its new president next week, Indonesian activists are trying to push gender issues onto the political agenda.
Iranian women have been on the front lines of anti-government protests challenging the official results of the June 12 election, in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the victor.
This law allocating seats for women in the People's Assembly has come after more than 25 years of women's numbers decreasing in the parliament.
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