
‘Give peace a chance’ may just be another cliché for many, but for women who have suffered the ravages of war, endless strife and other forms of conflict, joining hands to find meaningful solutions to their collective aspiration lends it a whole new meaning. "For 5,000 years women have been sitting in ‘jirgas’ (tribal councils), at least in Afghanistan. We have ‘jirgas’ all over Pakistan’s tribal areas also, and we thought why not introduce this concept?"

Samia Allalou, qui vit à Paris, est une journaliste algérienne, présentatrice de télévision et réalisatrice de documentaires. Depuis 2007, elle fait partie du réseau international de solidarité, Femmes sous lois musulmanes.

Homa Hoodfar is Professor of Anthropology at Concordia University and has been actively involved in Women Living Under Muslim Laws since the 1980s. Her publications include: “Building Civil Societies: A Guide for Social and Political Participation”.

WLUML is delighted to announce that Ms. Shadi Sadr is the recipient of the 2009 Tulip Award, the Dutch Human Rights Defenders Award. "Shadi Sadr is being awarded the Human Rights Defenders Tulip for her exceptional courage, perseverance and work in an environment of concern, where human rights are repeatedly violated," said the Dutch Foreign Minister, Mr Verhagen, who will present the award in The Hague on November 9, 2009.

Fatou Sow est une sociologue sénégalaise. Membre de plusieurs associations scientifiques africaines et internationales, Fatou est membre fondateur du Groupe de recherche sur les Femmes et les lois au Sénégal (GREFELS), Le bureau de coordination régionale du Réseau Femmes sous lois musulmanes.

There are different forms of public participation. In addition to demonstrations and rallies, there are other efficient tools to demand change, such as poster and postcard campaigns, calls for action campaigns, petitions and direct lobbying. This WLUML Tool for Activists focuses on just one form of public participation: the letter writing campaign or solidarity letter.

Pour la première fois, des artistes femmes venues d'Algérie et d'ailleurs chantent ensemble pour dénoncer le code de la famille promulgué en Algérie en 1984 et qui légalise l’infériorisation des femmes.

Farida Shaheed is Director of Research at Shirkat Gah - Women's Resource Centre in Pakistan. In 1986 she met Marieme Hélie-Lucas, the founder of Women Living Under Muslim Laws, who had come to Pakistan for a  program called 'Muslim Women Speak'. Farida Shaheed is a longstanding council member of WLUML. Ms. Shaheed is also the first Independent Expert on cultural rights.

Fatou Sow is a Senegalese Sociologist. A member of a number of African and international associations, Ms. Sow is a founding member of Le Groupe de recherche sur les Femmes et les lois au Sénégal (GREFELS) and is currently the Coordinator of the International Coordination Office of Women Living Under Muslim Laws.

Mme Codou Bop, Sénégalaise, est journaliste et chercheure sur les questions relatives aux droits des femmes. Elle coordonne le Groupe de Recherche sur les Femmes et les Lois au Sénégal (GREFELS), et le bureau de coordination régionale pour le région d'Afrique et le Moyen-Orient du réseau Women Living Under Muslim Laws (Femmes sous lois musulmanes). Elle s’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes, à l’Islam et droits humains des femmes et au trafic des êtres humains, des femmes notamment.

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