
Women in Black activists organise against the increased power of the Serbian Orthodox Church, denouncing its fundamentalist character.
In Bangladesh, Islamist organisations exploit rumours of loose lifestyles abroad to tarnish the image of migrant women in general.
An online tele-portrait of Amina Wadud, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, Virginia (in English with Dutch subtitles).
The festival (6-10 May) will bring together a fine collection of documentaries related to the subject of Iraq and provide a platform for the work of Iraqi filmmakers who have managed to make their films in spite of the ongoing occupation and conflict.
It is estimated by the United Nations Population Fund that as many as 5000 women and girls are murdered by family members each year in so-called “honor killings” around the world.
Anyone reporting an honour killing case to the police or filing a case with the court will be killed by the jirga since the publicising of such cases has brought a bad name to the area, Malik Faiz Muhammad, member of the Nihag-Wari jirga, said on Friday.
Awards for women and girls involved in grassroots projects who are working to bring peace to the everyday lives of women and their families. The majority of awards are for activities in two broad categories: violence against women and waging peace.
AWID's Kathambi Kinoti interviews Charlotte Bunch, Executive Director of the Center for Women's Global Leadership on the current United Nations reform drive, and what it means for women.
At this year's CSW, WEDO and the other groups expressed their disappointment and outrage that gender equality and strengthening the women's machineries within the U.N. system are still not being addressed as a central part of the U.N. reform agenda.