
WLUML networker Vivienne Wee argues that patriarchy is alive and well in secular as well as religious hierarchies. She suggests instead of talking about religious fundamentalisms we need to talk about equality versus hierarchy.
The 200,000 dead & 8,000 disappeared of Algeria’s civil war were mainly men. They left behind a generation of women from different backgrounds & political opinions who have come together in opposition to the president’s charter for peace & reconciliation.
A 19-year-old Turkish man has been jailed for nine years and three months by a German court for shooting his sister in an honour killing.
Bahraini women are battling a male-dominated society and powerful Islamists in their quest for reforms that would shift jurisdiction over family and women's affairs from Islamic to civil courts.
For an individual or organisation in a conflict country or region, that has developed groundbreaking and effective initiatives to promote the rights of women & to increase their participation at decision-making levels in peace processes.
Syria has broken a taboo by presenting a high profile study on violence against women, which found that one in four married women gets beaten -- usually by her husband or father.
Homosexuality is still taboo in the Arab countries. In this absorbing account, Guardian journalist Brian Whitaker paints a disturbing picture of people who live secretive, often fearful lives.
Investigators suspect that some delegates of foreign Islamic organisations while visiting Bangladesh at different times in the past provided Islamist militants with financial and logistic supports without any government body monitoring their activities.
German and Dutch people woke to a very different kind of 8 March commemorations this year.
Islamic scholars and thinkers confirm that there is a need to question laws made in the name of religion, to ensure justice is done.