
In a lecture entitled "The Role of Women in Just Governance" which was delivered by the leader of the opposition Popular Congress Party, Hassen Al Turabi made many assertions in support of women's rights and caused controversy as a result.
If Egyptian Women's Day came and went without anyone in Cairo marking the occasion, it wasn't for lack of effort on the part of women's organizations.
This update urges the government to continue its efforts to end the practice of FGM through education, enforcement of the law and disciplinary action against police officers and court officials who fail to implement the law appropriately.
A new database includes practices that discriminate against women, from forced marriages and female genital mutilation to restrictions on inheritance and ownership rights, that stand in the way of gender equality and economic development.
It must be appreciated that family law in the majority of Muslim countries is based largely on religious teachings, although the interpretation and application of these teachings can be diverse. Therefore, there is no one Islamic law applicable to all.
Iran's Islamic authorities are preparing a crackdown on women flouting the stringent dress code in the clearest sign yet of social and political repression under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
An appeal from Cameroon in response to continued reports of violence against women including rape and torture.
This publication highlights the lives and deeds of women from diverse Muslim countries and communities who have engaged in the struggle for gender equality. It provides many examples of women's rights advocates ranging from the 8th century to the 1950s.
Following close on the heels of the furore fuelled by the Danish cartoons another major controversy is now set to further complicate relations between the West and the Muslim world.
WLUML was a co-sponsor of this consultation and this report documents the discussions and analyses of violations and abuses committed against women human rights defenders and strategies and recommendations to better protect them.