
When Sabah's husband left her in Syria and returned to his native Saudi Arabia, he didn't just leave his teenage daughter without a father. He also left her without a nationality.
This article addresses the issue of the violation of the rights of Arab Bedouin women living in the Naqab (Negev) to adequate housing and accommodation.
Women's rights activists in Nepal have hailed a Supreme Court's ruling to scrap a law that allowed men to seek divorce if their partner was infertile.
Proceedings and papers from this international consultation took place from 18-20 March 2006, organised by Sisters in Islam.
The pro-Moscow Chechen government has started to demand that female state workers wear headscarves, women in the turbulent Muslim region have recently reported.
Syrian President Bashar Al Assad has appointed former culture minister Najah Al Attar as a Second Vice-President, the official news agency Sana reported. Najah is the first woman to hold such a high position in Syria.
WLUML is very concerned about reports of attempts by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to influence and control bodies such as the EU and UN.
Politicians have failed to bring about peace in many parts of the world. The Arab world in particular has suffered the most. There are many reasons behind the failed diplomacy. One of them is the absence of women in negotiations for peace.
Militant groups have become a vital part of Pakistan's quake relief, raising concerns that extremism will spread.
This report tries to tackle some of the myths, misconceptions and even outright lies about Iraqi women’s roles and rights.